Nicotine Gum Introducing NICOTINE GUM : Quit step by step Trying to quit smoking is definitely a never ending struggle for any smoker who is trying to get rid of this habit. Nicotine Gum is the ultimate solution, with three different flavors for each step of the way. Green (Mint…
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MOKS ice cream of england This campaign delves into the essence of happiness by establishing a connection between the ice cream and moments of joy. It achieves this by crafting visuals that represent cooking, hairdressing, or music as potential personal happy places. Additionally, the campaign takes a creative approach, illustrating…
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Casper & Gambini’s This print campaign delves deeper into the realm of taste, transcending mere flavors. With craftsmanship, we’ve created an illustration depicting the tongue as the fruit it savors, exuding a vibrant smile. This visual metaphor encapsulates the profound intensity of taste, where the tongue is overcome by the…
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FIVE STAR INSURANCE Introducing Orient: “A FIVE STAR INSURANCE” Through this visual representation, we aim to illustrate how Orient, as an insurance company, provides five star service in the event of a client’s car breaking down while traveling. We present three visuals depicting this scenario: the first showcases a car…
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Accidents Awareness Organization Presenting the Accidents Awareness Organization’s highly impactful 2021 Print Campaign, meticulously crafted to captivate attention and underscore the peril of distractions. Through visuals, it confronts the irony that the simple act of holding a coffee mug can lead to a loss of focus, despite its intended purpose…
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ROOTS Introducing ROOTS, where our campaign unfolds an emotive narrative. The visuals depict the adverse effects of unhealthy food, drawing a compelling parallel to the gradual depletion of a phone battery. As the battery fades, transitioning into the telltale red zone, the phone dims, light wanes, and performance slows—an illustrative…
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SNOVA USB Introducing SNOVA, In this illustration – where storage capacity takes on a whole new meaning! Picture a bustling road with a USB storage device in the shape of a truck, symbolizing the 700 GB storage capabilities that SNOVA USBs possess. And when it comes to massive storage, imagine…
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ADS OF THE WORLD We are truly honored to have been chosen to collaborate with a brand that not only supports and highlights creativity but also understands its profound impact on the world. Working on the campaign for Ads of the World proved to be an exhilarating challenge, pushing us…
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EDGE STONE A Brand Name With 9 Letters Equals 9 Core Values Equals 9 Master Visuals Each Reflecting An Edge Offered By The Brand. Each Hammering On The Brand’s Core Essence As A Creative And Dedicated Developer With Statement Designs That Match This Identity. Related Projects GRAND FAJITA TEASER…
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ADS OF THE WORLD Letting your imagination run wild : ”ADS OF THE WORLD” since 2006. We are thrilled to present our second campaign for ”ADS OF THE WORLD”. Our collaboration began in 2018 and each year, we continue to bring forth new and wild ideas. Related Projects GRAND…
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